Wash Your Hands
As we go throughout our days, we use our hands for just about everything, including eating. Since these important digits get in contact with so much, it is important that we keep them clean. Washing your hands when you use the restroom and before and after we eat, will keep the spreading of viruses and bacteria low. Be mindful of when you touch your face, your eyes, or your mouth, and carry a miniature bottle of hand sanitizer with you, just in case! Clean hands foster good health in kids and adults alike.
Sneeze Into Your Elbow
Whether you’ve got seasonal allergies or a case of the sniffles, if there is no tissue around, a sudden sneeze can feel like an emergency. Sneezes spread germs fast, and they aren’t the kind of thing anyone wants to share. We might think that sneezing into our hands is the best way to contain a sneeze, but doing that will only make your hands messy, which we know we need to keep clean. Instead, try sneezing in the crook of your elbow. This will keep your hands clean and prevent you from spreading too many germs into the open air.
A Good Night’s Sleep
Our immune systems are always working, but when we are awake, it is harder for antibodies to do their job. When we’re awake, our mind is focusing on so many different things and our body is processing all of its other needs—like food and water—which means that our immune system has to share energy with the rest of our body. But, when we sleep, our body can put more effort into fighting off illness and bolstering our bodies against viruses. Getting 8 hours of sleep each night will not only give you more energy for a new day but will strengthen your immune system to fight off colds and the flu.
Stay Hydrated
It is easy for adults to forget about drinking enough water, but for children who are racing around playgrounds and attending after-school activities, it can be even harder to remember. Staying properly hydrated is an important factor of daily health that we all need to pay attention to. Even when you aren’t feeling thirsty, your body might need water. If you feel hungry or have a headache, you may need to drink some water, since these can also be signs of dehydration. Try carrying a water bottle with you to sip from throughout the day and encourage your kids to drink water as well, by making sure they always have a bottle to go to school or practice with.
Stay Well Equipped
Colds and the flu aren’t the only health threats our families face this autumn. As school years have begun and games are being played, injury risks can rise. To make sure our kids stay not only flu-free but bruise-free as well, we need to make sure they have the right equipment. Football players need helmets, cleats, and padding. Soccer players need cleats, shin guards, ands the right socks. Every sport has their own requirements, so every parent should check in and see what is required of your child’s chosen sport. If you send them out on the field with the best protection available, then their risk of getting seriously injured is much lower. This autumn,
Wylie ER wants to make sure your family gets to enjoy every falling leaf and every piece of pumpkin pie. We are available 24/7 with concierge-level care, just in case someone you love gets sick or injured. For children and adults alike, Wylie ER is here to support all of your emergency medical needs.
This blog is written by Maggie Berardo, content writer at Nutex Health.Nutex Health, Inc supports you and your family’s health. You can depend on Wylie Emergency Room or any one of our concierge-level, freestanding emergency facilities to deliver the emergency care you deserve, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.]]>
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